Friday, April 21, 2023


TEST 1.1

 1.) ...................................... is described as the  science that examines people's mental processes experience  and behaviour in different context (a) philosophy (b)psychology (c ) ecletic approach (d) cognitive psychology

2 )WHICH ONE OF THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES is not ALWAYS true (a)The main focus of psychology is on human behaviour, (b)The study of psycholgy legally includes the behaviour of animals(c)The study of psycholgy does not legally  include the behaviour of rats (d) Psychology is the science that examines the behaviour of an organism.

3) Modern psychology is heavily impacted by ........................................................

(a)Western Advances (b)Northern advances (c ) Southern advances(d) Eastern advances

4) used  to analyse mental architecture.     (a) functionalism  (b) introspection (c ) psychoanalysis (d) humanist approach

5) The first experimental laboratory was founded in Leipzig ,Germany by Wilherm Wundt in ...............(a)1910  (b)1897 v(c )1789 (d) 1879

6) WHICH ONE OF THE FOLLOWING SCIENTISTS is not related to the behaviourist approach of psychology ? (a)GESTALT  (b) WATSON (c )PAVLOV (d) WILLIAM JAMES

7) STRUCTURALISM is based on the examination or observation of one's own mental and emotional processes.(Yes / No)

8) The introspective descriptions by clients cannot be verified by a third party.This shows that structuralism in psychology is ..........(a) a modern approach  (b) logical (c )scientific (d) less scientific

9 ) a technique where people  in psychological test were asked to describe in great detail  their mental processes or experiences.   (a) functionalism  (b) introspection (c ) psychoanalysis (d) humanist approach


10) Which is not true about William James  ? He  concentrated on (a) understanding what the mind does (b) how behaviour affects how people  interact with the surroundings (c) classical conditioning (d) people adapting to their  environment.

11 ) Which psychologist suggested concentrating on the organisation of perceptual experiences  than examining the parts of the mind (a)WATSON (b) WILHEM WUNDT(c ) PAVLOV(d) GESTALT

12) .........................................................................described psychology as the measurement and objective study of behaviour or responses to  stimuli 


 13) Watson is known as the father of.....................(a) modern psychology (b) structuralism (c )  behaviourism  (d) functionalism

14) ....................believes that people are guided by an underlying urge for fulfilling pleasure seeking desires  (a)behaviourists (b) psychoanalysts (c ) structuralists (d) humanists

15)  The  approach which highlights the free will of  people and their inherent desire to develop and realise their full potential is ...................... (a)behaviourism(b) psychoanalysis (c ) structuralism (d) humanism

16) Behviourism  gives importance to  human freedom and dignity .Yes or No 

17 ) Abraham Maslow and Call Rogers propagated that behaviour is ........... (a)a dynamic expression of unconscous desires  (b) detemined by the free will of people (c )  influnced by mechanical understanding of human destiny (d) determined by adapting to the challenges of the environment

18) A functionalist approach to study human mind was developed by ............................. 

(a) Wilhem Wundt (b)William James  (c ) Abraham Maslow (d) Carl Rogers

19)  Psychology and its research methods promote critical thinking. Yes or No 

20 ) Describe ,Explain, Predict and Control are the four   main goals of psychology .Yes or No

TEST 1.2:

21) the most important goal  of psychology -(a)describe (b) explain (c )predict (d) control 

22 ) Psychologists start with the hypothesis or idea .Then they test this idea. This  is the basis for experimental research .Yes / No

23 )  Thought and feelings result from the actions of nerves and the nervous system in the body .This is part of ............................ approach (a) cognitive(b) behavioural (c ) phenomenological(d) neurobioligical

24 ) Neurological approach believe that a dreams are the result of activated neurological patterns for random firing of neurons .Yes / No

25 )................ is known as the father of the science of psychology .  a)WATSON (b) WILHEM WUNDT(c ) MASLOW (d) GESTALT

26)  John Watson approved the thought that psychology should study the mind and consciousness.Yes / No

27)  – approach is useful  in reducing phobias.(a) cognitive(b) behavioural (c ) phenomenological(d) neurobioligical

28) ......................................  treat mind like a clean state that has attitudes and behavioural patterns inscribed on it due to learning. (a)behaviourists (b) psychoanalysts (c ) structuralists (d) humanists

29 ) .......................................... approach has been used extensively in studying the process of learning (a) cognitive(b) behavioural (c ) phenomenological(d) neurobioligical

30 ) Which approach look at topics such as perception,memory, thought ,language and attention and explain behaviour in terms of these mental processes ? (a) cognitive(b) behavioural (c ) phenomenological (d) neurobioligical

31)  Much  of the individual feelings and disease ,individuals observed behaviour is influenced by wishes, desires  or fears each the individual has learned to suppress because they are not socially acceptable.This  is part of ........................ approach. (a) psychoanalytical (b) behavioural (c ) phenomenological (d) neurobioligical

32) Acccording  to Freud , dreams are  ............(a)not socially acceptible  (b)shaped by envornment stimuli (c ) the result of activated neurological patterns for random firing of neurons (d) expressions of suppressed unconscious impulses

33) .....approach explains that human beaviour is a result of  active response to stimuli .(a) psychoanalytical (b) behavioural (c ) cognitive(d) neurobioligical

 34) Which psychological approach is largely used in improving the performance of  trafic air controllers ?(a) psychoanalytical (b) behavioural (c ) phenomenological (d) cognitive

35 ) Behavioralists claim that human behaviour is largely shaped by environmental stimuli..  Yes or No 

36)  Behaviour is shaped by unconscious impulses beyond the individuals control. Which psychological approach asserts this observation ? (a)behaviourist (b) psychoanalyst (c ) structuralist (d) humanist

.37) ...... approach is  also known as humanistic psychology .(a) psychoanalytical (b) behavioural (c ) phenomenological (d) neurobioligical.

38)  Phenomenological psychology asserts the fact that individual is a passive result of uncontrollable forces. Yes or No

39)   The individual is regarded as a free agent with the ability to choose your values , actions or goals according to ...........................approach. (a) psychoanalytical (b) behavioural (c ) phenomenological (d) cognitive

TEST 1.3

40 ) ......has compara:tively a profound influence on the methods of therapy and counselling.(a) psychoanalytical (b) behavioural (c ) phenomenological (d) cognitive

41) Free will versus determinism  is a key issue in psycholgy. What does not suit the meaning of  determinism in this context ?  (a)The free will of individual human beings is not an imprtant factor (b) People  can be held morally responsible for their actions (c ) All events are determined completely by previously existing causes (d) Behaviour can be attributed to genetic programming.

42) Within psychology the Nature -Nurture debate is going on . The meaning of nurture in this context is NOT related to (a) the food an individual takes in (b) the way the child is raised (c ) the interaction with peers (d) behaviours transmitted from parents.

43)  The "nature' in the  Nature -Nurture debate in psychology is closely related to the environmental factors.Yes or No.

44) Human behaviour is governed by constant , predictable and provable factors.True / False .

45) There is an interaction between nature and nurture to determine human behaviour.True / False .

46 ) Which branch of psychology deals with the relationship between behaviour and the physical system of the body-the brain ,the nervous system, the immune system and genetics 

(a) developmental  (b) biological (c ) neurological (d) health

47) Which branch of psychology deals with issues like eating disorders , substance abuse and depression ? (a) clinical nd counselling  (b) health  (c ) social (d) developmental

48) ......... branch of psychology deals with phases like childhood, adolescence ,adult growth and aging

(a) clinical nd counselling  (b) health  (c ) social (d) developmental

49)  ......... branch of psychology deals with issues like patient doctor relationship ,anxiety , stress and coping (a) clinical nd counselling  (b) health  (c ) social (d) developmental

50).........psychologist may recommend a new management structure that promote effective comunication within a company .(a) clinical nd counselling  (b) organisational (c ) social (d) cultural

51) ....... deals with people who have less serious  psychological problems

(a) clinical  psychologist (b) counselling psychologist  (c ) psychiatrist  (d) philospher

52) .... can prescribe medications and electroshock treatments if required .(a) clinical  psychologist (b) counselling psychologist  (c ) psychiatrist  (d) philospher

53) ...can prescribe medications but can not electroshock treatments even  if required .(a) clinical  psychologist (b) counselling psychologist  (c ) psychiatrist  (d) philospher

54)  .....cannot  prescribe medications or electroshock treatments even  if required .(a) clinical  psychologist (b) counselling psychologist  (c ) psychiatrist  (d) any one of these.

55)....................has a medical degree with years of speciliazed training in the treatment of psychological disorders.(a) clinical  psychologist (b) counselling psychologist  (c ) psychiatrist  (d) any one of these.

56) Which of the following is not an evident function related to appled psychology ?

 (a) designs criteria and standards to distuingish normal behaviour from abnormal behaviour.

(b) examines psychological penomena and behavioural patterns that appear in the individuals external behavioural reactions so as to access general principles and laws.

(c) judges behaviour through criteria and standards already set to distuingish normal behaviour from abnormal behaviour

(d) employs principles in the process of mentoring ,controlling and changing human behaviour.

57)Which of the fiollowing is not an evident function related to  psychology ?

(a)  help individuals organise their different life styles 

(b) assist individuals in selecting ways and types of thinking

(c) contribute to our capacity to organize ideas and issues, to deal with questions of value, and to extract what is essential from large quantities of information.

(d) help building relationships based on mutual respect between individuals and groups

58) Select the clause which gives a false idea about modern psychology. Modern psychology is multivocal because --------------------------

(a) it attempts to explain behaviour from many perspectives 

(b) it is charecerized by many different theories

(c) many subfields make up the academic discipline of psycholgy

(d) the various methods within it  compete with one another.

59) Select the most plausible argument about modern psychology.

(a) Human behaviur has a physical cause .

(b)We consciously and intentionally choose what to do. 

(c) Nature and nurture contribute to behaviour differently .

(d) All the above ideas hold good.

60) Infants will grow sickly and apathetic if they are  deprived of human touch.What assumptions are possible with the help of psychology based on this statement ?

(a) A child may not be much  affected if  they do not register the neglect strongly.

(b) A child may not be much  affected if  they have stronger inner resources.

(c) Environmental factors influence   behaviour .

(d) All these.

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Discussion of questions unit 1

 1.WHAT distiguishes psychology as it is practised by scientists from psychology as it is generally understood ?

2. Briefly describe the development of psychology ?

3.WHAT ARE the major specialities in the field of psychology ?

4.What is contemporary psychology's position on the nature -nurture debate ?

1.SCIENTISTS practise psychology as a science that examines the  behaviour of an organism-the science of   cognition,  emotionand acts .But psychology is generally not understood as a branch of science.Most people think that psychologists are clinicians and counsellors.The public never think that psychology involves research.or any  research on brain ,mind or behaviour. people think it is not all connectaed to STEM ( science technilogy engineering and maths ).

The reality is that psycholygy is a science as it relies on facts and knowledge obtained fron careful observations  . Everyone needs to know that psychology is key to addressing many of society’s challenges, including the economy, health care, education, energy use, crime and terrorism.

In its theoretical aspect , psychology examines psychological phenomena and behavioural patterns that appear  in the  external behavioural reactions of an individual to acess the the general principles and and laws .It controls the presence of a particular event , mechanism and how it appears.

Through applied studies it tries to employ theoretical  laws and principles in the process of mentoring, controlling and changing human behaviours for the better.

it can study the the different types of human and animal behaviour.It can study the laws that affect   psychological can inerpret them , predict them and try to modify them if they need any modification.

It can assist individuals in slecting ways and types of can assist students in investing their time in the right way of studying and gianing knowledge .it can help individual in organising their different life styles .it can help building relatioships on mmutual respect between different groups and individuals.

The inter disciplinary approach on research and application of psychology as a science  has led to  the emergence of various area like aviation psychology , space psychology , mitary psychology forensic psycholgy, rural psychology, engineering psychology , managerial psychology , community psychology , political psychology and  the psychology of women.

It is common knowledge that public understanding of psychology is typically aligned with the mental health and intervention aspects of the discipline. Most people think of psychologists as clinicians and counselors. Few understand that psychology is the science of behavior, cognition and emotion. Even fewer recognize psychology as a STEM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics) discipline. People do not generally associate psychologist with scientist.

APA has been doing public opinion polls to get a better handle on what people do and do not understand about psychology. The data are revealing:

  • When survey respondents are asked the first thing that comes to mind when they think of the field of psychology, they most often use words associated with illness, helping people, and treatment. Very rarely do people spontaneously mention anything about research on mind, brain or behavior.

  • Most adults in the United States say that medical doctors, scientists, teachers and engineers contribute a great deal to society’s well-being. But just over half say the same thing about psychologists. The only good news here is that psychologists are seen as contributing more than lawyers and business executives — but not by much.

  • When asked to ascribe attributes to professions, more than half of survey respondents describe medical doctors and engineers as scientific. Very rarely is that term used to describe lawyers, artists, police officers or teachers. Psychologists fall somewhere in between these groups, with 33 percent of adults choosing scientific as an appropriate attribute.

  • Interestingly, most adults agree that the study of human behavior can help solve many of today’s issues.  The list of what people generally regard as the biggest problems we face contains few surprises. Highest on that list is: 

•  The economy 

•  Health care 

•  Education 

•  Energy dependency 

•  Crime 

•  Terrorism

  • It is common knowledge that public understanding of psychology is typically aligned with the mental health and intervention aspects of the discipline. Most people think of psychologists as clinicians and counselors. Few understand that psychology is the science of behavior, cognition and emotion. Even fewer recognize psychology as a STEM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics) discipline. People do not generally associate psychologist with scientist.

  • Yet, the same respondents do not identify the profession of psychology as one that has a big impact on people’s lives. Medicine, education, and science are the big winners here. Fewer than 20 percent of respondents believe that a career in psychology is one to follow if the goal is to have a big impact on others’ lives.

  • The fundamental deficit in public understanding of psychology is revealed when survey respondents are provided hypothetical job scenarios, and asked to say what the person described does for a living. My favorite is this:

    Kathy works at a major technology company that manufactures computers and computer software. She conducts research on how people work best with machines. She researches things like how a computer could be designed to prevent fatigue and eye strain, what arrangement of an assembly line makes production most efficient, and what a reasonable workload is for a person.

    Based on this description, most respondents said that Kathy is probably a mechanical engineer.  A fair number guessed that Kathy is a computer technician. Fewer than 20 percent said that Kathy must be a psychologist.

Clearly, some public education is needed. Everyone needs to know that psychology is key to addressing many of society’s challenges, including the economy, health care, education, energy use, crime and terrorism. Everyone needs to know that Kathy is far more likely to be a psychologist than a mechanical engineer.

It is against this backdrop that the APA Science Directorate is developing a rich partnership with APA’s long-standing public education campaign. For over 15 years, the public education campaign has been teaching the public about the value of psychological services and generally elevating the visibility of psychology. The campaign’s primary goal has been to promote psychologists as health practitioners and to educate the public about how psychology informs health care practice and delivery.

In 2010, the public education campaign began an important expansion. The goal of the expansion is to increase public recognition of psychology as a science. For several years, the campaign’s thematic focus has been on mind/body health. As part of the expansion, that same theme is now being used to educate the public about the science base of psychology and the role of psychology and behavior in health, wellness and individual and organizational effectiveness.

Over the next two years, expect to see major new elements in APA’s public education campaign. One of the first new features links psychological science to APA’s Stress in America survey. This annual survey garners enormous public and media attention. It is a great vehicle for also educating those audiences about the science of psychology.

This year, we expanded on one very consistent result from the Stress in America survey. Year after year, the survey has shown that people have difficulty achieving the important goals they set for themselves — losing weight, exercising more, improving their diet, saving money and so on. When asked what the obstacles are, the top reason is lack of willpower. People recognize — correctly — that they need self-control to achieve goals such as these.

Decades of research in psychology has produced a fairly good understanding of self-control. So we saw an opportunity to link that tradition of research with a result from the Stress in America survey to help people understand that insight is possible from psychological science.

The result was the development of an array of public education materials based on the psychological science of self-control. We commissioned a special lay summary of the research, publishing it in both English and Spanish. We conducted a supplemental survey to better understand what people know about willpower. We wrote special articles for APA’s Psychology Help Center. I spoke with dozens of radio stations, reaching millions of listeners, to help them understand what the science has to say. And APA’s CEO Norman Anderson devoted an episode of This is Psychology to the topic.

This was just the first installment on APA’s expansion of its public education campaign. As described elsewhere in this month’s Psychological Science Agenda, all of these resources have been assembled in one place on APA’s website. Over the next year or two, expect to see a lot more from this public education initiative.

Our goal is make sure that everyone understands that psychology is the science of behavior, cognition and emotion. Everyone should recognize psychology as a STEM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics) discipline. Everyone should associate psychologist with scientist.


 Logotherapy Logotherapy is a type of psychotherapy that helps people find meaning in their lives and cope with challenges. It was developed...